Tuesday, June 23, 2009

HeroesCon 09!

Got back from HeroesCon late Sunday- As always it was an awesome show! Got to hang out with a lot of friends and meet some new ones, not to mention sell some books and do some sketches! I had the honor of being asked to do a Dejah Thoris in the sketchbook of Rob Ledford. It is an amazing sketchbook with a huge Brian Stelfreeze piece across the front 2 pages so I was nervous as hell to do it. After thinking it over for most of the day I drew the picture below- I hope you like it!

I also had a good meeting with Mark Waid about Perfect Storm. He said it's not necessarily what Boom! Studios publishes but he offered to help me find a publisher- He's really going above and beyond on that so if you ever see him at a show go up and thank him!!!

Again I don't know how far each of you are from HeroesCon but I can not recommend making the trip enough! The analogy I use is that it's like a family reunion but a family you actually want to hang out with and this trip again proves that to be true.


Monday, June 15, 2009


Just got the OK from Larry on the colors so here is the complete cover!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Long time, no post...

Hello everyone! Very sorry that it's been so long since my last post. I had a trip down to Miami for a convention last weekend so the week before and the week since involved a lot of "trying" to get ahead of deadlines. I did alright on that end but all my other projects, such as the blog here, suffered.

Anywho, one of those projects is called the Concrete Dove. I'm inking the interiors and providing the cover to an upcoming issue. Larry Jarrell, penciler and creator of the series, penciled a cover that he wasn't too please with so he asked me to do my version of it. I did a rough sketch, changing the camera angle from his original, and emailed it to him. He approved it so I had my model-friend Daniela come over for some reference shots then penciled the cover. I finished the figures but was not happy with the background, so I brought it down to the studio to show Dick. He made a suggestion about the angle of the side of the building which tied the whole piece together! Funny how he will pick that out right away while I will stare at the thing for hours/days without figuring it out...

Here is the inked piece- I will be coloring it early next week once my friend David King (Creator of the Oscar and Sid comic strip) does the flats for me... No pressure on him now that I've told the world I'm waiting on his flats...