Hey everyone! I was able to put the finishing touches on the Rocketeer piece yesterday... Well, sort of... I tend to let things sit overnight then look at them with fresh eyes (Or, as fresh as they can be having starred at something for hours and hours already) the next day.
So this morning I changed the color of Betty's eyeshadow and added a bit more shading to Cliff's gloves and helmet. Probably not enough for anyone to notice the difference between yesterday and today, but hell- I know, so there ya go...
Up next is a Firefly piece for the ScFi In the Valley convention. ( http://www.scifiinthevalley.com/) They invited me to go and unfortunately I wont be able to make it, but they were asking artists to contribute pieces to a charity auction so I offered to do one and send it on up...
Yeah, I know what your thinking: Handsome, smart, singer-songwriter, world famous chief and charitable... What can't this guy do??? Surprisingly plenty, but that's a blog for another day...
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