Friday, January 20, 2012

Mr. Freeze

So, while struggling along with my own painting adventures, I figured I would post art from the person you can blame for giving me the impression I could paint in the first place: Brian Stelfreeze.

If you've never met Mr. Freeze before, 5 minutes into a conversation or portfolio review you would be convinced you could paint too, or draw, or friggin run through a brick wall if he told you that you could- He'll do it to show you it's possible, then continue to encourage and inspire you as you do that standing up baby giraffe thing, all wobbly and all...

After I met him the first time I totally re-thought how I drew, and any and all improvement in my art since then is all to his credit. Also since then he's become a great friend, continues to be a great teacher, and his work a high water mark I constantly compare myself to in order to improve...

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