Well it had to happen. I knew eventually I would wind up working on one of these "blogs" but kind of fought it till now. See, I grew up at the very tail end of Gen X, which is the last generation of kids who didn't grow up with a computer in the house. Sure, some of my friends had them, but they weren't the cornerstone of existence as they've become now.
So, I tend to be a little behind on these things. Didn't have a cell phone till a few years ago, never texted till recently, still don't twitter, but I do have an iPod. Doesn't play movies or games or anything, just music, mostly Gen X stuff with a whole lot of Beatles and blues thrown in... Maybe games, or video games, is a good barometer for how far behind I am in technology. I had a ColecoVision when I was very young, then a Sega Master System, which we replaced with a Genesis around '91/92, just before it came with Sonic the Hedgehog. Really not much to speak of since, but I am considering a Wii because you can buy old Genesis and Master System games on it...
And of course just as I got used to Myspace everyone switched over to Facebook. I'm telling you whatever comes next is going to have to do without me. There's a lot of time to invest in getting these things up and running which I just don't have the heart to do.
So then why the blog you ask? Well, this has come about for the same reason why I bought a computer in the first place- For work. I'm going to be promoting upcoming projects here, posting artwork and sketches, networking, and hopefully talking to other artists and comic fans here- If in the upcoming posts you see something you want to comment about please do- I hope this becomes one of your regular stops on the information superhighway...
Wow, I'm probably the last person to call it that, huh? Told you I was behind...