Saturday, April 13, 2013
Yeah, yeah, I know...
So for the first new blog in I don't even remember how long (although I know I can just look at the date stamp on the previous blog, but no matter...) I thought I would write a bit about the box of comics I got this weekend, particularly the 3 books I had been waiting for most: The new Man of Steel TPB, vol 7, collecting the Byrne and Ordway run on Superman, 50 Girls 50, a collection of Al Williamson's EC Comics work, and the Adventures of Superman drawn by José Luis García-López.
These are what comics are supposed to look like!!!
The Al Williamson book collects all 31 of his sci-fi and fantasy stories for EC is printed in B/W so you can really get in there and see the amazing line work that he, Frazetta, Krenkel and Torres put down and it is a great, great alternative to the wallet-busting Artist Editions they are putting out at IDW. Sure if I win the lottery I'm gonna pick some on those up, but until then...
Speaking of lottery money, should I ever win I might just hire Jerry Ordway to write and draw some more Superman stories... Hell, can probably even publish them since DC is doing nothing with the character. What a shame too cause as you can tell from these 2 books, in the right hands, Superman can be an amazing character, but sadly they would rather have their own emo copy of Spider-Man now so all that's left is to go back and buy these collections.
And while we're on the subject of emo superheroes, nice hood on Captain Marvel these days, huh? All he needs now is to comb his hair down in front of one eye and start cutting himself cause he wasn't hugged enough... Another wasted character, and it's too bad- Was really excited when they announced Gary Frank and Geoff Johns were working on him since they did such a great, great job on Superman together before the new 52 shit all over it. Again, oh well... Maybe between lottery-sponsored unpublished Superman Stories Mr. Ordway can continue his Power of Shazam! series too!
Last thing I'll mention about my continuing disappointment in current DC is that you may notice in the photo up there that I've replaced that awful, awful peeling logo with the old DC bullet. Printed out a whole sheet of them on stickers and man doesn't that look better?!?! Could have even gone with the swoop that replaced the bullet which I also liked but hey, they're my books so I'll go with my favorite...
But yeah, off to go read the other books that came in this weekend- Hawkeye and Daredevil!!! Two best comics going if ya ask me, and you must want my opinion if your reading this here blog-a-dill...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Lightning round!
Well hello all- It's been a while since I posted anything so I thought I might as well do a "lightning round" of updates...
Saw Avengers: Amazing!
Got tickets for midnight showing of Batman in IMAX
Picked up new inking assignment for my buddy Mike at New Legend Productions
Saw Avengers: Amazing!
Got tickets for midnight showing of Batman in IMAX
Picked up new inking assignment for my buddy Mike at New Legend Productions
Finished a couple paintings
Finally finished my Liberty Girl story for Heroic Publishing
Johan Santana threw the Mets first no-hitter in their 50 year history, then (I think it was) the following night R.A. Dickey almost threw the second...
Pirates are doing well as well!!!
Might have to start watching college football: Always said I could not get behind a sport where there is no real champion and as of 2015 they will finally have a playoff so that's one less excuse. The other major hurdle: The damn bands! I can't stand listening to the bands during the game!!! Same reason I never watched basketball- Damn squeaky shoes. Nails on a chalkboard to me. But yeah, so in the meantime I have 2 years to be wooed to a team... If you would like my support then I am not above bribes...
Let's see, what else... Still not a fan of the new direction of DC and am really glad to see people are not fans of the new Watchmen books either. I also just read Dave Gibbons Watching the Watchmen book and am again kicking myself for some really stupid decisions, but that's par for the course for me and my decision-making... That's why lately I have been leaving my decisions up to a committee of much smarter people then me!!!
Speaking of DC and their new direction, picked up Superman Vs. The Elite and was reminded of something Dickie had said a long time ago: The Superman they publish is not the Superman they license, which means the Superman that I want stories from does still exist, just not in (new) comics. So yeah, I enjoyed it and am very much looking forward to picking up some more of the other DC animated movies! I think Batman: Year One is next...
Also, good job with the logo... Who the hell looks at a pealing banana and says "Hey, I've got the read Batman"??? Jesus- I heard a lot of complaints when they switched to the swoosh but I kinda liked it, and now it seems like they had the friggin' Sistine Chapel in the corner by comparison!!!
Wow, 2 religious references in one paragraph... Might have to edit that...
And speaking of DC making a deal with the devil: Daughtry??? REALLY??? Anyone who knows me knows of my extreme hatred for that shitbag and that's who they choose to partner up with?!?! I don't care if it's for a good cause- I don't even care if it's "Let's partner up with this jerkoff to raise a million dollars for Rob", which I think could be the greatest cause of all (Only surpassed by the "Let's raise 2 million dollars for Rob" initiative), I couldn't show up to accept that giant check!
Might send someone in my place though...
Alright, running out of steam here... If I think of anything else, well, I'll do another post!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Inkwell part 2
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Inkwell part 1
A couple weeks ago I got an email from the Inkwell Awards asking if I would be interested in doing a cover for their auction while I was attending the Pittsburgh ComiCon. Unfortunately I wont be able to make that show but I really did want to contribute so I asked if they would mail me one or two to work on... Couple days later I got two books in the mail- A Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and a Death of Spider-Man (Number #160 I think)... Just finished the first one:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
It has to be said...
OK, I noticed this a long time ago and didn't want to admit it... But like a gym membership that you've cancelled but they wont stop calling you or an uncle who used to touch you, from time to time it comes back and eventually you have to deal with it...
Having never been subjected to those god awful mormon vampire movies my only impression of Twilight was that it had a couple cute chicks in it, a guy all dudes think is gay cause we're friggin jealous of the amount of tail the guy can pull, and a cross-eyed kid who's never got his shirt on.
But, one of the "cute" chicks always reminded me of someone and I couldn't place who. Then once I did I took one of them silkwood decontamination showers and tried to forget, but like they: Once it has been seen it can not be unseen.
If you don't want it ruined then don't scroll down...
...Spoiler alert, in the most honest, horrible sense...
Still here? Ok. So, here is a side by side of Jacksonville's own Ashley Greene and her doppelganger, Michael Jackson.

I'm sorry people... Let the vomiting and regret begin...
Monday, March 19, 2012
Going Rogue...
Continuing the theme from the last post, if only with the reference to Palin and this one also being about "chicks who are out of touch"...
Women are always going on and on about how much childbirth hurts- well, I just had a mustache hair that decided to curl up instead of down and tickle my nose, so I ripped the bastard out! I can't even tell you how much that hurts, and that's a pain you people will never know...
There's a li'l something for ya...
Monday, March 12, 2012
Game Change
I got some positive feedback on my version of a movie review so I figured why the hell not do another...
This time on the HBO movie Game Change, starring the always hot Julianne Moore and the not quite as hot Ed Harris. It's my opinion, you ladies out there (Or dudes, I don't judge) are free to think different...
Anywho, back to the hotness. Julianne Moore was great in this! She kept her ridiculous accent through the whole thing unlike a previous crush, Jodie Foster, in The Silence of the Lambs... I know she won an oscar for it but watch it now that some time has passed... She goes from accent to no accent from scene to scene. Which pains me to say cause like I said, huge crush back in her "less butch" days... How does that relate to Game Change? It really doesn't, other then that Julianne Moore played Clarice Starling in the second movie...
But yeah, Game Change is great- From what I've seen Moore and Harris have been getting the bulk of the credit for the movie being as good as it was, but really the guy from Kingpin does the best job out of all of them- I truly thought he still had two hands throughout the whole movie. Or maybe that's credit to the special effects team... Either way, he did a great job. As did Jamey Sheridan, who grew a goatee for the movie (Shows commitment), and his Chicago Hope buddy Peter MacNicol. I must admit though as soon as he came on the screen I had to yell out "He is VVVeeeeeegggggggoooo! He's dripping withs goo..." despite the fact that it was almost 2 in the morning and people in the surrounding homes needed to sleep...
And for all you people out there who thought "why the hell did they pick her to run with him?", well you now have your answer- They had no idea what they were getting either. And by the time Kingpin finally realized he had Munson-ed himself again with the hot ol' moose-killer it was too late.
My theory, not that anyone really wants to hear it, was that the Republicans knew they weren't going to win from jump since Governor Bush screwed up so badly in office (Thanks again, BTW, for the soon to be $5 a gallon ass-reaming... Really? A dollar every summer?!?! Hope all those good old boys you were protecting are giving you some sort of kickback...), so they let McCain run. I think Senator McCain is genuinely a decent man who would have done a decent enough job, but they felt they owed him one so they let him run, much like when Dole finally got a shot in '98 when he had no chance of beating a President who actually knew how to run a country. And since they were throwing in the towel already why not throw the chicks a bone and try to win a couple of them over after that talking muppet Cankles MeGee got blown out of the water by Obama so they could count on them when they actually stood a chance sometime in the future...
But back to my take on the movie, and by extent my take on Palin. At first she comes across as just naive, but as you go along and find out more you see she's actually extremely manipulative. If you read between the lines you can see it coming, but there is one scene, one line, that just cements it for you... No, I won't tell you what it is or where it happens, but it's in there... Actually, I guess I shouldn't have said any of that if you wanted there to be some sort of "twist", even though we all know how it ended. But I will say that Kingpin's reaction is awesome and sells it perfectly, and by the end of the movie her true nature and motivation is crystal clear and front and center.
If you go into this movie as a Republican I am sure you will see it as an attack or a manipulation or liberal bias, and if you go into it as a Democrat you'll have two or three "Ah-HA! See? SEE???" moments, but going into it as neutrally as I could (I am a registered independent so I have no dog in this race) I came away thinking the same thing about her as I did going in-
Man, did we dodge a bullet.
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